Recommendations for BEST results
Rods: Bumpa Barring involves the angler actively working the rod for the entire session, so it is important that rods are lightweight and comfortable to use. The rear grip should be long enough to tuck up under your arm when cranking, and the fore grip also long enough to enable effective lifting of the rod during prolonged battles. Experience has found that shorter rods (less than 1.8m) give maximum leverage when fighting fish and reduced fatigue on the angler. Consider optimum rod components when choosing your gear, especially the guides as they will endure some serious mileage during an average Bumpa Barring session.
Reels: There are very few high-speed reels on the market that also have quality internal gearing capable of long-term operation. The average Bumpa Barring day can involve anything up to 400 high-speed retrieves plus any additional stress resulting from a hook-up and ensuing battle. Our preference is spinning reels, as you can usually cast further and retrieve much faster. Over the years we have fished extensively with most brands of reels and can say without a doubt that when it comes to reels, you get what you pay for. Following is a list of features that should be considered when purchasing a quality high-speed reel:
High speed - The reel speed is determined by the number of spool rotations per turn of the handle and is expressed as a gear ratio. For example, a gear ratio of 6.1:1 means that that the bail arm will rotate 6.1 times around the spool each time the reel handle is turned 1 complete revolution. The amount of line retrieved per turn of the handle will reflect the combination of gear ratio and spool diameter. The higher the gear ratio and larger the spool size, the more line retrieved per turn of the handle, and therefore the faster the reel.
Quality gears - The gears are placed under considerable stress and must be of a hard wearing material if the reel is to last years, rather than weeks.
Non-flex body - Body construction needs to be strong and ridged, especially when cranking larger lures on heavier line. There is nothing worse than a reel that twists side-to-side when retrieving or fighting a fish.
Anti-twist line roller - Helps minimise line twist caused by the uni-directional rotation of the bail arm. As the line glides over the roller it is forced to twist in the opposite direction, counteracting the twist generated by the retrieve. Line twist is not a problem when using overheads.
Comfort - Choose a reel that is ergonomic to use, lightweight and easy to crank at speed.
Quality smooth drag - A necessity for any reel, but even more so when Bumpa Barring. A cruising Spaniard smashing a lure being cranked at speeds in excess of 130cm per turn of the handle will challenge any drag. Drags must be silky smooth and dissipate heat, even under prolonged pressure and speed.
Rigging: Bumpa-Bar Lures are best fished using a heavier mono leader attached to a double tied in the main line. The length of leader is a matter of personal choice, and will reflect the location and size of fish being targeted. Lures may be attached to the leader via a swivel or tied directly using a loop knot. Wire traces can also be used to reduce lure loses, particularly when mackerel swallow them down while they are still sinking. Keep the wire as short and light as possible.